- Introduction to Minitab Software
- How to use Minitab ?
- Importing and Formatting Data / Imporing data from Excel sheet
- Bar Charts
- Histograms
- Boxplots
- Pareto Charts
- Scatterplots
- Tables and Chi-Square Analysis
- Measures of Location and Variation
- t-Tests
- Proportion Tests
- Tests for Equal Variance
- Power and Sample Size
- Correlation
- Simple Linear and Multiple Regression
- One-Way ANOVA
- Multi-Variable ANOVA
- Gage R&R
- Destructive Testing
- Gage Linearity and Bias
- Attribute Agreement
- Variables and Attribute Control Charts
- Capability Analysis for Normal, Nonnormal, and Attribute Data
- Control Charts
- Process Capability Study , Cp, Cpk, Sigma and Z Bench
- Export Minitab data , Results and Graph into Word, PPt and Excel sheet
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